'In fact, glasses are a poor indication of intelligence because you can have bad eyesight for a number of reasons and then choose to wear contact lenses.' 事实上,戴眼镜却并不能代表一个人很聪明,因为造成视力不好的原因有很多,而且人们也可以选择戴隐形眼镜。
He brings bad luck to anybody he comes in contact with. 凡是跟他接触的人都会倒楣。
Bad request having invalid contact information. 含有无效的联系人信息的错误请求。
It's also a bad sign about the contact if you can't find out anything about them, unless they're a new company. 如果你找不到任何与他们有关的资料,这就不是个好现象,除非对方是一家新公司。
If it's unable to appear induction, please check whether the problem is bad contact, inappropriate detection zone, failure insert of the adapter. 若出现不能感应现象,请检查各连接线是否连接不良,感应距离是否合适,适配器有否插好。
And there was a bad side to it: I would never be a Contact again. The door was totally, inevitably closed. 这也有不好的一面:那就是我再也不能当联络员了,这扇门算是无可挽回地彻底关上了。
AIM: To study the relationship of bad contact of signal electrode and electrical impedance tomography ( EIT) and to provide premise in theory and practice for long-term monitoring. 前言:目的:研究单个电极接触不良和电阻抗断层成像之间的关系,以便为长期监护提供必要的理论和现实依据。
A blank stare is almost as bad as no eye contact at all. 目光呆滞地盯着看,几乎和不进行目光接触一样糟糕。
Moreover, many just a bad contact. 何况很多只是接触不好。
It is determined that main failure mode for failed products is bad contact through failure analysis on products, failed during life test. 通过对寿命试验中失效的产品进行失效分析,判定失效的产品主要的失效模式为接触不良。
Problems of bad contact of limit switch in spring actuator 弹簧操动机构的行程开关接点问题
From "Contact Mechanical Switch" to "Contactless Coverage Switch", this is indeed a great advance in the vanquishment of the short-comings of bad contact and the inconvenience in operation. 从全触点覆盖开关(以前称排列转换面板)至无触点覆盖开关(由蔡安民同志设计)确实是一大革新,可以克服全触点覆盖开关转换插头接触不良及操作不便之弊病。
( RESULTS:) Bad contact of one electrode affected only part of the image, with some visible changes. 结果:发现某一电极接触不良,则对应它的那一部分图像的灰度会发生明显的变化,而图像其他部分的灰度则变化很小。
According to the record characters, we gradually looked up and analyzed the interference of instrument, signal connection, instrument grounding and outer-circumstances. We found that one was aroused by alternating current, the other was brought by the bad contact of signal connection. 根据两起干扰的记录特征,我们对仪器、信号接线、仪器接地线和外部环境干扰逐步分析检查,发现其中一起是由交流电源干扰引起的,另一起是由仪器信号线接触不良导致的。
Various electronic materials applied in computers and the other electronic equipments are used in severe atmospheric environment which is the cause of atmospheric corrosion of these materials due to humidness and the other corrosiveness that leads to troubles in electronic system such as short circuit, bad contact etc. 计算机等电子设备所使用的各种电子材料,在大气环境下,因潮湿及其他条件下发生大气腐蚀,从而致使电子材料腐蚀、电子系统发生故障如短路,电接触不良等。
High current density and voltage used in oxalic anodizing and hard anodizing process cause quantities of bath heat. Therefore air agitation is necessary which probably results in bad contact of the workpieces with the racks, and consequently produces burned and rejected workpieces. 草酸阳极氧化、硬质阳极氧化处理工艺电流密度大、电压高、产热量大,必须采用压缩空气不断搅拌槽液,由此可能导致工件与挂具接触不良,引起工件烧伤和报废。
Influence of bad contact of single electrode on electrical impedance tomography 单个电极接触不良对腹部电阻抗断层成像的影响
If the annealing temperature is too low, the barrier between the electrode and materials will lead to bad ohmic contact and if the temperature is too high, it will damage the electrode that the device can not achieve ohmic contact. 若退火温度过低,电极与材料之间的势垒将使欧姆接触效果不好;若退火温度过高,则将损坏电极,无法达到欧姆接触。
In the rectangular pipe, rusting has a bad influence on the reflection and acquisition of the signal, especially in the contact surfaces, which include the ultrasonic transducer and water, and the reflection area of the ultrasonic signal. 在矩形管道中,超声波换能器与水的接触面上以及信号反射的下壁面上的生锈对信号的反射和采集都有较坏的影响。
However, bad transplanted environment ( such as ischemia, oxidative stress, inflammatory reaction) and contact inhibition, which cause abundant death or apoptosis of MSCs, are unfavorable for application of cell therapy. 然而,由于移植区域恶劣环境(如:局部缺血、氧化应激、炎症反应等)的作用以及一次性植入大量细胞产生细胞接触抑制而导致MSCs大量的凋亡或死亡,从而降低了细胞治疗效能。
Especially when there is bad connection between conduction medium, it can lead to dielectric loss, leakage current and the contact resistance increase. 尤其当出现传导介质的接触点接触不良时,会导致介质损耗增大、漏电流增大和接触电阻增大。